Jan-Eric Englund

- Lecturer at SLU in Alnarp since 1992, focusing on applied statistics and mathematical statistics.
- Statistical consultant for SLU staff and to be responsible for courses in statistics.
- Deputy manager of Statistics@SLU.
- Basic Statistics, introductory course for PhD students.
- Statistical methods - an overview, statistics course for PhD students.
- Basic course of statistics for horticultural students.
- Statistics for agricultural students.
- Short sections on statistics in many of the courses of the LTV-faculty.
Help and co-author in the statistical sections of many projects at SLU.
PhD in Mathematical Statistics, Lund University, 1988.
Through Statistics@SLU, free statistical consultations are offered to all PhD students and researchers at SLU. Many publications at SLU have the basis of this consultancy.
Publications list: