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Frida Lundmark Hedman

Frida Lundmark Hedman


My name is Frida Lundmark Hedman and I am a PhD and junior lecturer in animal welfare at SLU. Before my academic career I was working as an animal welfare inspector, both at municipality level but also at national level. My research interest in mainly within the animal welfare policy area. Examples of ongoing projects are "Experiences and expectations of animal welfare control" and "Strategies and methods on how to uniform the animal welfare inspections"


Selected publications

Lundmark Hedman, F., Rodriguez Ewerlöf, I., Frössling, J. and Berg, C. 2022. Swedish dairy farmers’ perceptions of animal welfare inspections. Frontiers in Animal Sciences, 3:1079457. doi: 10.3389/fanim.2022.1079457

Lundmark Hedman, F., Rodriguez Ewerlöf, I., Frössling, J., Berg, C. 2022. Swedish Trotting Horse Trainers’ Perceptions of Animal Welfare Inspections from Public and Private Actors. Animals, 12, 1441.

Lundmark Hedman, F.; Berg, C.; Stéen, M. 2021. Thirty Years of Changes and the Current State of Swedish Animal Welfare Legislation. Animals, 11, 2901.

Lundmark Hedman, F., Veggeland, F., Vågsholm, I. & Berg, C. 2021. Managing Animal Welfare in Food Governance in Norway and Sweden: Challenges in Implementation and Coordination. Animals, 11, 1899.

Lundmark Hedman, F., Berg, C. & Stéen, M.,2021. Whose interest matters when regulating animal welfare? A Swedish case study. In: Justice and food security in a changing climate. Hanna Schübel and Ivo Wallimann-Helmer (eds.). DOI 10.3920/978-90-8686-915-2_43. Wageningen Academic Publishers. The Netherlands.

Berg, C. & Lundmark Hedman, F. 2020. Compliance with animal welfare regulations: drivers and consequences. CAB Reviews, 15(025), 1-10. doi: 10/1079/PAVSNNR202015025.

Lundmark Hedman, F. 2020. En analys av regleringen av djurskyddsområdet från 1988 och fram till idag - Förändringar och konsekvenser för djurens välfärd. Slutrapport. SCAW & SLU, 81 sidor.

Lundmark Hedman, F., Hultgren, J, Röcklinsberg, H., Wahlberg, B. & Berg, C. 2018. Non-Compliance and Follow-Up in Swedish Official and Private Animal Welfare Control of Dairy Cows. Animals, 8(5), 72;

Lundmark, F., Berg, C. & Röcklinsberg, H. 2018. Private Animal Welfare Standards – Opportunities and Risks. Animals, 8 (4). doi:10.3390/ani8010004.

Lundmark, F. 2016. Mind the Gaps! From Intentions to Practice in Animal Welfare Legislation and Private Standards. Doctoral thesis, 2016:95. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Skara.

Lundmark, F., Röcklinsberg, H., Wahlberg, B. & Berg, C. 2016. Content and structure of Swedish animal welfare legislation and private standards for dairy cattle. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section A — Animal Science. 66(1), 35-42.

Loberg, J.M. & Lundmark, F. 2016. The effect of space on behaviour in large groups of domestic cats kept indoors. Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 182, 23-29.

Lundmark, F., Berg, C., Wahlberg, B. & Röcklinsberg, H. 2015. 'One animal is no animal' – consequences of measuring animal welfare at herd level. In: Know your food – Food ethics and innovation. Dumitras, D.E., Jitea, I.M. & Aerts, S. (eds.). pp. 31-35. Wageningen Academic Publishers. The Netherlands.

Lundmark, F., Röcklinsberg, H., Wahlberg, B. & Berg, C. 2015. Vad sätter djurskyddsnivån – regeln eller kontrollen? Svensk Veterinärtidning, 2.

Lundmark, F., Berg, C., Schmid, O., Behdadi, D. & Röcklinsberg, H. 2014. Intentions and Values in Animal Welfare Legislation and Standards. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics. 27(6), 991-1017.

Lundmark, F., Berg, C. & Röcklinsberg, H. 2014. Regelverk för djurskydd – vad vill man uppnå? Svensk Veterinärtidning, 14.

Lundmark, F., Berg, C. & Röcklinsberg, H. 2013. 'Unnecessary suffering' as a concept in animal welfare legislation and standards. In: The ethics of consumption – the citizen, the market and the law. Röcklinsberg, H. & Sandin, P (eds.). pp. 114-119. Wageningen Academic Publishers. The Netherlands.


Lecturer at the Department of Applied Animal Science and Welfare; Djurskydd
Telephone: +4651167212