CV page

Erin McCallum

Erin Mccallum
I am an associate senior lecturer studying how pollution affects fish, invertebrates, and aquatic environments. My current research focuses on answering these two questions: 1) how does chemical pollution, especially wastewater effluents, affect and shape aquatic communities? and 2) how does chemical pollution change animal behaviour, especially social behaviours, and what are the consequences of these sublethal changes for populations and across generations?


I’m an environmental scientist with a background in ecotoxicology and behavioural ecology. My research programme broadly aims to understand the causes and consequences of anthropogenic stressors for aquatic wildlife. The goal of my research is to provide sound science to inform policy for conserving fish, aquatic habitats, and freshwater resources. Working both in the lab and field, I strive to understand how stressors, particularly pollutants, affect aquatic animals across multiple levels of biological organization. I’m especially interested in animal behaviour because it provides a valuable link between proximate or underlying mechanistic causes, and ultimate, evolutionary outcomes.

But, I'm interested in and have worked on lots of topics! In addition to my main focus, I'm also intrested in understanding the impacts of complex, dynamic pollutant mixtures on aquatic ecosystems (especially wastewater effluent); in the behaviour and management of aquatic invasive species; in how human activities impact animal migration behavior; and, how aggression shapes social or dominance structures in animal groups. I'm also an active science communicator and love writing about science for the general public.


I am the course leader and teacher for BI1299 Fish and Wildlife Management. This is a master's level course offered as part of the "Conservation and management of fish and wildlife" program here at SLU. In this course, I teach students about the sustainble harvest and management of animal populations.

I also teach shorter sections in BI1301 Applied Population Ecology and BI1415 Ecological Zoology.


Are you interested in a bachelors/kandidate thesis or a master's thesis? Contact me by email to see what research projects I have on the go and how you can get involved for your thesis work.

I am eager to work with students from diverse backgrounds, but working on your degree in some form of natural science will give you a good background knowledge for this type of research (e.g., environmental science, forestry, biology, chemistry, ecology etc.).


See more about my research and scicomm on my personal website

Follow me on Twitter for research and scicomm tweets!

My Google Scholar profile has up-to-date links to all my publications.