Christer Borglin

Focus areas: European funding (application processes, impact, implementation and management), project coordination, and other external grants to researchers. Horizon 2020/Europe (and earlier programs), LIFE and Interreg as main programs. Today working with Project Management/Coordination in 3 European projects and support for other projects at Grants Office at SLU. This cooperation is needed for the researchers to focus on the technical/research part of projects to avoid problems, both at the coordinator and partners.
Financial/administrative and tourism/environmental/renewably energy consultancy tasks related to EU financed projects/programs. Active Service management concept.
I have been Manager/Coordinator for several international projects. Process leader for EC project applications. Internal education to researchers and administrative staff in European funding. Global networking for research exchange and Horizon 2020 applications. Participating in several global network and Brussels cooperation.
I have a big network in Europe, Brussels and South/North America, (both in private and working areas) in different EC programmes.
I have been told that I have Strong interpersonal skills and training skills. I also have Long working experience in cross-cultural context within different EC programs and from the private sector.
Some of my experience:
Working as monitor for the European Commission (EC) 2010 (ASTRALE) with responsibility for Swedish and Danish nature and environment projects (LIFE).
Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA) 2005-2011. National advisor to SEPA for the yearly Swedish applications in the LIFE nature and environment program in EU.
6th framework program DG TREN, CIVITAS 2005-2009 International Financial and administrative Coordinator, project management, 32 partners in Europe. 52 measures in environmental issues. Malmö Environmental Department.
EU Coordinator for the County Adm Board in Skåne, Sweden in 2007. Education, networking and training in EC projects. Implementation of EC project knowledge in the organisation, especially towards the environmental sector of the organisation. RCP, regional contact point for 7th framework programme in Skåne, Sweden in 2007. RCP is linked to Vinnova/FOU (which is connected to 7th framework programme in Brussels) in Stockholm and helps the regions to inform about EC programmes and help to start EC projects.
Intelligent Energy 2007--, financial/adm consultant and advisor for project for gas driven cars.
LIFE Nature project 2002-2006, Financial and Adm Manager, County Adm Board in Skåne, Sweden.
2002-2007 Consultant and advisor for several LIFE projects in Sweden.
Swedish Environmental Protection Agency 2004. Advisor and help with Know-How to the Ministry in Lithuania to implement the LIFE program.
Municipality of Malmö, Sweden, Environmental Department 2000-2002, Ricite II program, Structural founds, international financial and administrative coordinator, project management, 28 partners in Europe. Environmental management system and EMAS certification.
5th framework programme, Energy, 2000-2004. City of Malmö, Sweden. Renewable energy. International financial and adm coordinator, project management, 9 partners in 5 countries in Europe.
Business Finance and administration with special area of services management and marketing/dissemination.
Mother tongue: Swedish.
Proficient user: French, English and Danish.
Basic user: Spanish and German.