Brian Kuns

I have taught on a broad range of subjects from sustainable development and globalization to critical agrarian studies and geographic information systems (GIS). I currently am co-course responsible in a master's thesis course.
Selected publications
Visser, O., Jehlička, P., Kuns, B., Spoor, M. 2021. “Beyond Confrontation: Silent growers, Symbiosis, and Subtle Peasantness in Post-Socialist Eurasia” in Dietz, K., Engels, B, McKay, B. and Akram-Lodhi, H., (eds). The Edward Elgar Handbook of Critical Agrarian Studies. Edward Elgar Publishers: Cheltenham, UK.
Lander, C. and Kuns, B. 2020. “The Sinking of the Armada: Problems for the Three ‘Flagship’ Foreign Investment Agroholdings in Russia and Ukraine.” Europe-Asia-Studies.
Kuns, B. 2018. “‘In these complicated times’: An environmental history of irrigated agriculture in post-communist Ukraine.” Water Alternatives, 11(3): 866-892.
Kuns, B. 2017. Peasants and Stock Markets: Pathways from Collective Farming in the Post-Soviet Grain Belt. Doctoral Thesis. Meddelanden från Kulturgeografiska institutionen vid Stockholms universitet 153. Stockholm University, Stockholm.
Kuns, B., 2017. “Beyond Coping: Smallholder Intensification in Southern Ukraine,” Sociologia Ruralis, 57(4): 481-506.
Kuns, B., Visser, O., Wästfelt, A., 2016 “The stock market and the steppe: the challenges facing Nordic farming ventures in Russia and Ukraine.” Journal of Rural Studies, 45 (June), pp. 199-217.