CV page
Anastasija Vasiljev
I am a research engineer working in the urine drying team at SLU, where we are developing a technology that converts human urine into a dry, hygienic, and high-quality solid fertilizer. This technology has potential to replace nearly a third of all the synthetic nitrogen and mined phosphorus used in agriculture today. I believe in this approach because it is a simple solution to many complicated environmental, hygienic and social issues. We are moving the world forward!
Selected publications
Vasiljev, A., Simha, P., Demisse, N., Karlsson, C., Randall, D. G., & Vinnerås, B. (2021). Drying fresh human urine in magnesium-doped alkaline substrates: Capture of free ammonia, inhibition of enzymatic urea hydrolysis & minimisation of chemical urea hydrolysis. Chemical Engineering Journal, 428, 131026.
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