7 May
8 May


Symposium and workshop: Rust fungi in forests and agriculture

Orange formation on a pine tree. Photo.

Welcome to a day of talks, discussion and networking around rust diseases!

Rust diseases are widespread and limit growth and productivity in both forest and agricultural systems. The biology of rust diseases has several common features between the production systems. This symposium aims to connect researchers and support the network of rust researchers within and outside Sweden, with the ultimate goal of promoting knowledge and research development on rust diseases in managed ecosystems.

This will also be a great a networking opportunity for PhD students and early carrier researchers in the field of rust research. The symposium is held in honor of the rust researcher Berit Samils that recently has retired from the Department of Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology, SLU.

Outline of the symposium

  • Day 1 - 7 May: A whole-day symposium ending with dinner
  • Day 2 - 8 May: A before-lunch workshop on writing a review article on rust disease epidemiology on aecial and uredinial host plants.

Travel stipends

For students and early career researchers, Tolerant Tree has 3–4 travel stipends (around SEK 3000) to the symposium. To apply, send a letter of motivation why you want to come and what you would gain from the workshop to Anna Berlin, anna.berlin@slu.se. Last day to apply for travel stipends is 19 April.

Sign up to the symposium

The symposium and workshop are free of charge, but we there will be a fee of 1000 SEK if you do not show up.

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I agree to being photographed at the symposium for publication at SLU's web page and social media:
The data you enter here will be processed by SLU to administer your registration or visit. Read more about the processing of personal data on www.slu.se/personal-data.


Time: 2024-05-07 09:00 - 2024-05-08 12:00
City: Uppsala
Organiser: Department of Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology
Last signup date: 19 April 2024
Price: Free of charge


Preliminary program

7 May - Room V, Ulls hus

Registration and Coffee
Welcome and Introduction
Anna Berlin & Åke Olson, Department of Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology, SLU

Oral presentations


Oral presentations

15.30- 16.00

Oral presentations

Dinner downtown Uppsala

8 May - A338, Biocentre

Workshop on writing a review article on rust disease epidemiology on aecial and uredinial host plants.