City: Zoom
Data from SLU's environmental monitoring and assessment (EMA) is used for decision making and reporting, but can also be used for research. In this webinar, we will give an introduction to how to find EMA data and show two examples of how to proceed and download data from two different sources.
First, we will demonstrate how to search and browse SLU’s environmental data catalogue, a website that collects descriptions of open data from SLU's environmental monitoring and assessment. Then SLU Swedish Species Information Centre will show how to use the Species Observation System (Artportalen), and the National Forest Data Lab will show how to find and download different map layers.
The webinar will include both short lectures and demonstrations. There will also be an opportunity to ask questions.
The webinar will be held in English.
Pre-registration is not required. Join with Zoom using the following link: https://slu-se.zoom.us/s/5553240123
SLU University Library's series of short webinars, aimed at staff involved in research and environmental assessment and monitoring, will give you practical knowledge on everything from screeing articles using a screening tool to how to recognize predatory journals.
No pre-registration or prior knowledge is required. The webinars start with a short presentation or demonstration, followed by an opportunity to ask questions.
The webinars are held in English.
If you have any questions about the webinar series, please contact library@slu.se.
SLU University Library
library@slu.se, 018-67 35 00
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