12 Dec


Supervision Lunch Seminar - How do we want our PhD students to learn data management?

Research data management (RDM) is a skill that has become increasingly more important. Some of the RDM activities call for legal or technical know-how, while others, more discipline-specific activities, may be better for the PhD students to learn from their supervisors. In this webinar, you will get a general introduction to RDM, the activities that go into it and the expertise and support available at SLU. We will also discuss the RDM training that PhD students already receive and if there are activities that preferably should be added. 

SLU Data Management Support (DMS) 

The seminar is conducted via Zoom, in English and no fee.
Link will be sent out after registration


Time: 2024-12-12 12:00 - 13:00
City: Zoom
Last signup date: 11 December 2024