The head of two cows, one black and one lighter, photo.
3 Oct

Tanngrisner in VHC Building, Ultuna

Seminar: Discussion on the long-term SLU and International Livestock Research Institute cooperation

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Welcome to a seminar discussing the long-term SLU and International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) cooperation.

The seminar is held in meeting room Tanngrisner in VHC building. You can also take part in the discussion via Zoom. Here is the link

Meeting-ID: 632 6550 1439. Password: 111222

If you want to attend physically but don't have access to the top floor of the VHC building, we will meet you at the VHC entrance at 13.50 (1:50 CEST).


Prof. Brian Perry, Honorary Doctor SLU, International Livestock Research Institute.

Professor Perry is a world-leading authority in applied veterinary epidemiology and has over 50 years of experience as an international development scientist. He has undertaken research projects and consultancies in several countries in Europe, Africa, Asia, and Latin America on, for example, the epidemiology, dynamics and economic impacts of livestock diseases; and the roles of livestock in processes of development and inclusive economic growth.

Prof Perry will talk about ILRI's long-standing work on improving animal health and access to safe food, preferably with some examples and collaborations with SLU.

Prof. Ulf Magnusson, Dept of Clinical Sciences, SLU

Magnusson is a Professor of animal reproduction, former Associate dean for research and international cooperation, and Leader of the Animal health flagship in the CRP Livestock. He has outstanding experience in development research related to animal health and production.

Prof Magnusson will give some reflections on SLUs' cooperation with ILRI from the perspectives of an SLU researcher and as a Leader of the Animal health flagship in the CRP Livestock


Prof Sofia Boqvist, Dept of Animal Biosciences, SLU

After the seminar, there will be an opportunity for SLU PhD students engaged in global research to participate in an informal discussion with Prof Perry. Contact Sofia Boqvist if you are interested in taking part in this, as the number of seats is limited (

You are most welcome!
Jonas Johansson Wensman
Head of CGD


Time: 2024-10-03 14:00 - 15:00
City: Ultuna
Location: Tanngrisner in VHC Building
Organiser: CGD
Additional info:

The SLU Committee for Global Animal Diseases and SLU Global organise the seminar. 

SLU Global supports SLU’s work for global development to contribute to Agenda 2030. 

Photo: Mårten Granert-Gärdfeldt.


Jonas Johansson Wensman
Head of SLU Committee for Global Animal Diseases, +46 18 67 14 46