8 May


Damage-activated proteolysis during plant wound response and its potential application to improve pesticide selectivity

seminars, workshops |

Simon Stael from the Department of Molecular Sciences gives a lunch seminar with the title "Damage-activated proteolysis during plant wound response and its potential application to improve pesticide selectivity". This seminar is part of the SLU Plant Protection Network's seminar series.


Time: 2023-05-08 12:00
City: Online
Additional info:

This seminar is part of the SLU Plant Protection Network Monday lunch seminar series.

The seminar consists of 30 min presentation of an invited speaker, followed by 15 min for questions.

The meetings take place on Zoom. The link will be sent out to the SLU Plant Protection Networks e-mail list. If you are not a member but would like to attend, please contact cajsa.lithell@slu.se and she will provide you with the Zoom-link!

The invited speakers will be both plant protection researchers from SLU (from our different faculties) and external (international) speakers. Different topics of plant protection in agricultural, forest and natural ecosystems will be presented. Some of the talks will also present infrastructure at SLU that plant protection researchers use.


SLU Plant Protection Network

PO Box 7043, SE-750 07 Uppsala

Anneli Lundkvist (chair)
Epost: Anneli.Lundkvist@slu.se
Telefon: +46 18 67 2712

Katja Fedrowitz (coordinator)
Epost: Katja.Fedrowitz@slu.se
Telefon: +46 18 67 2196