12 Dec


Researcher Workshop – Green dreams and workforce realities - Swedish forests and forest labour

seminars, workshops |

Welcome to the follow-up workshop to "Green dreams and workforce realities" organised by the Future Forests research platform.

Time for a follow-up to our well-received workshops in Umeå and Uppsala earlier in November. This time, the workshop will be held online and with a focus of Sweden, the EU, forest land, forest labour, and possible future research networks and projects.  

The workshop is open for researchers interested in dialogue and future research collaborations in this area from all SLU campuses, Umeå University and Skogforsk.

What could be interesting interdisciplinary approaches to the following subjects?

  • Defining the concept of "green dreams" in the context of Swedish forests in brief:
    • Different aspects of the vision and ideals associated with Swedish forest industry.
  • Workforce realities in Swedish forests and transformations:
    • Transformations in Swedish forest labour within three or four decades.
    • Diversity of tasks and roles performed by forest labourers in Sweden.
    • Statistics and insights about the prevailing composition of the forest labour force, including the participation of migrant workers. 
  • Labour conditions, problems and social responsibility:
    • Working conditions and labour rights within the Swedish forest industry. 
    • Diverse actors connected to Swedish forest labour 
    • Migrant labour conditions and regulations 
  • Balancing “green dreams” and labour needs (connecting to SDGDs):
    • Catering labour needs
    • Addressing practical aspects of labour within the Swedish forest industry.

The workshop will be held on Zoom. Register here


Time: 2023-12-12 15:00 - 16:30
City: Online
Organiser: SLU Future Forests