15 Nov
16 Nov

Fredensborgs Herrgård, Fredensborg, Småland

Annual meeting SLU Forest Damage Centre Research School 2023

internal events | meetings |

Welcome to the first annual meeting of the SLU Forest Damage Centre Research School

The first annual meeting will be hosted by Sveaskog and will take place at Fredensborgs Herrgård, Småland. It will be two days filled with presentations of the different PhD projects, networking, planning for future activities and an excursion.

Students, supervisors and partners that are connected to the SLU Forest Damage Centre Research School are all invited to participate.

The annual meeting will be held in English.

All participants need to register.

Registration is closed.


Time: 2023-11-15 - 2023-11-16
City: Fredensborg, Småland
Location: Fredensborgs Herrgård
Organiser: SLU Skogsskadecentrum & Sveaskog
Last signup date: 11 October 2023
Additional info:

Sveaskog will host the meeting and will pay the cost for the conference venue, dinner (15th of Nov.) and the field trip (16th of Nov.). Supervisors, contact persons and company representatives need to pay their own travel and accommodation. The SLU Forest Damage Centre pays all costs related to the participation of the PhD students registered in the SLU Forest Damage Centre Research School.

Everyone except PhD students, please e-mail Fredensborg Herrgård to book your room (info@fredensborg.com) and inform them that you participate in the annual meeting arranged by Sveaskog. Rooms are reserved for participants for both the 14th and 15th of November. 

While the meeting itself is free of charge, a fee applies for no-show or late cancellation (after the 11th of October).

Please try to share cars when traveling to the conference centre. For the excursion, we will also use our own cars and travel by car-sharing  – please indicate on the registration page if you would be happy to share your car with others in case you arrive with your own car.

If you have questions - contact Åke Olson, deputy director of the SLU Forest Damage Centre and responsible for the SLU Forest Damage Centre Research School.


15th of November 2023

7.00 Breakfast 

8.30 Welcome Åke Olson and Fredrik Klang

8.45 Warm up

9.15 Presentations by PhD studens

10.00 Fika

10.30 Presentations by PhD studens

12.00 Lunch

13.00 Presentations by PhD studens

14.30 Fika

15.00 Planning new activities for 2024

         Information of meetings and courses

         Introduction to the excursion

16.30 Summery - Åke Olsson

17.00 End of meeting          

16th of November2023

7.00 Breakfast

8.00 Field trip - departure from Fredensborgs Herrgård

Problems with pine growth disorder, Anna Stridsman och Bengt Dahlberg from Sveaskog


Trials and research on pine growth disorder, Oscar Nilsson from Skogforsk

12.00 Field lunch

13.00 Goodbye

The field trip will be organized in our own cars so carpooling to the meeting venue is recommended when possible.


SLU Forest Damage Centre

Director: Jonas Rönnberg
jonas.ronnberg@slu.se; +46 40 41 51 79 eller +46 706 72 76 43

Deputy director: Wiebke Neumann Sivertsson
wiebke.neumann@slu.se; +46 90 78 68 117 eller +46 706 34 90 51

Deputy director and responsible for the research school: Åke Olson
ake.olson@slu.se; +46 18 67 18 76

Communications officer: Theres Svensson
theres Svensson@slu.se; +46 90 78 68 228, +46 765 46 05 96

Administrative coordinator: Katja Fedrowitz
katja.fedrowitz@slu.se; +46 18 67 21 96