4 Oct


Supervision lunch seminar - Doctoral students entering universities: expectations, preparation and sense-making

Alistair McCulloch

The Educational Development Unit welcomes doctoral supervisors to our supervision seminars.

Doctoral students entering universities to begin their studies are an understudied group. We tend to assume that, because they have been successful at undergraduate or taught postgraduate levels, they will be easily transition into the doctoral space. This assumption is not, however, tenable given the significant difference in level and style of learning they are entering, and their peculiar relationship with supervisor(s). The seminar suggests that current practice neglects the important difference between ‘orientation’ to a place or institution and ‘induction’ into doctoral education, and also the sense-making that doctoral students undertake as they transition to their new learning situation.

Alistair McCulloch is professor and Head of Research Education at University of South Australia. He has produced extensive research in the field of doctoral education and doctoral supervision.

Where: Online (link will be sent after confirmation of registration).


Time: 2023-10-04 12:00 - 13:00
City: Zoom
Organiser: EPU
Last signup date: 3 October 2023

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