City: Alnarp
Location: Aulan and Loftet, Alnarpsgården
Organiser: LTV Faculty
Additional info:
Aulan and Loftet, Alnarpsgården, Alnarp
What are we passionate about, why is it important in a larger context, what difference do we make and what is our driving force?
Program, with reservation for changes:
(the Faculty Day will be given in English)
11:45-13:00 Lunch and mingle
13:00-13:10 Deans and moderators opens the day and welcome you all
13:10-14:10 Insight into new research
Lectures given by faculty doctoral students, in a 7 min storytelling format.
Speakers: Annie Drottberger BT, Jonas Skytte af Sätra VF, Amalia Engström SOL, Frederik Aagaard Hagemann LAPF, Lisa Germundsson IMS, Annika Hinze VSB
14:10-14:40 To make a difference, conversation for the curious, with LTV doctoral students and storytelling expert Anna Skarin
14.40-14.45 Paus
14:45-15:10 Why do stories make a difference?
Lecture in storytelling by Anna Skarin
15:10-15:40 Fika and live music
15:40-16:40 Insight into research that make difference
Lectures given by faculty docents, in a 7 min storytelling format.
Speakers: Christine Haaland LAPF, Björn Bohman VSB, Vera Vicenzotti SOL, Christina Lunner Kolstrup IMS, Knut-Håkan Jeppsson BT and Therese Bengtsson, VF
16:40-17:10 To make a difference, conversation for the curious with LTV docents and storytelling expert Anna Skarin
17:10-17:15 Paus
17:15-17:35 How can Living Labs make a difference
Lecture by Nina Vogel, PhD
17:40-18:00 SLU Campus Alnarp, an experimental site with science and education for sustainable life, a movie with co-workers at LTV Alnarp
18:00-18:05 Paus
18:05-18:25 To make a difference, conversation for the curious with coworkers from different experimental sites and Living Labs
18:25-18:35 Wrap-up of the day
18:35 Open evening mingle with snacks and live music
Kristina Santén, Head of Unit
Unit for Collaboration and Development
073- 020 90 88
Ingrid Sarlöv-Herlin, Head of Department
The Department of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management
Ingrid.Sarlov-Herlin@slu.se, +46 40 415407