City: Uppsala och Online
Location: Video studio H, Undervisningshuset
Organiser: SIANI/SLU Global
Additional info:
Video studio H, Undervisningshuset, Uppsala och Online
Increase your network, get support to reach out with research findings and learn more about SIANI (The Swedish International Agriculture Network Initiative). Welcome to a creative hybrid workshop in Uppsala on September 29, 9:30-11:30.
We invite researchers, PhD students and other interested staff at SLU to a workshop to get input to the operationalization of the next phase of SIANI (The Swedish International Agriculture Network Initiative). A creative meeting that will help researchers at SLU learn more about SIANI and feel ownership with the new project period. Focus will be on reaching out with research findings and the use of video as a tool for research communication.
SIANI is an open and inclusive network that supports and promotes communication, multisector dialogue and action around sustainable food systems. SIANI is collaborating with SLU Global, a unit at the Vice-Chancellor’s Office that supports SLU’s work for global development to contribute to Agenda 2030. SIANI is now entering a fourth phase in 2022-2027 funded by Sida (The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency).
In relation to the workshop, we will launch a call for funding for activities within the SLU Global-SIANI collaboration to be implemented during the autumn 2022. Activities within the prioritized themes sustainable food systems, biodiversity and inclusion of youth are encouraged.
Who? Researchers, PhD students and other interested staff at SLU
When? September 29 at 9.30-11.30.
Where? Hybrid, Video studio H, Undervisningshuset, SLU Uppsala and at Zoom.
If you want to attend the event physically, we can provide funding for accommodation and train ticket. Please contact maja.malmberg@slu.se for more information.
9:30-9:35 Introduction and welcome by Maja Malmberg, Alin Kadfak and Teresia Borgman, communications officers in the SLU Global-SIANI collaboration.
9:35-9:45 What is SIANI? Alice Tunfjord, associate at SIANI.
9:45-10:30 Video as a tool for research communication
Presentations, Q&A and discussions:
10:30-10:45 Fika
10:45-11:00 Call for activities
11:00-11:25 How can you benefit from the SLU Global-SIANI collaboration? Interactive discussion.
11:25 Closing remarks and evaluation
Maja Malmberg
Communications officer at SIANI/SLU Global
Teresia Borgman
Communications officer at SIANI/SLU Global