City: Uppsala
Visit the BioCentrum and the Ecology Center at SLU in Ultuna and socialize on campus Ultuna in connection with the Swedish National Plant Protection Conference 2022.
14.00 Uppsala BioCenter: Department of Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology
Björn Andersson, Anna Berlin, Jan Stenlid (45 min)
14.45 Uppsala BioCenter: Department of Plant Biology
Anders Kvarnheden, Cristina Dixelius (30 min)
15.15 To the Ecology Centre
15.30 Coffee at the Ecology Centre
15.45 Ecology Centre: Entomology
Velemir Ninkovic (30 min)
16.15 Ecology Centre: SLU Centre for Biological control (CBC)
Mattias Jonsson (30 min)
There will be no organized mingel in the evening as too few people signed up, but you are welcome to the Bryggeriet Ångkvarn in Uppsala from 19:30 to meet fellow plant protection researchers and others.
Katja Fedrowitz
Admin. coordinator SLU Forest Damage Centre
Coordinator SLU Plant Protection Network
Telefon: +46 018 67 21 96
Epost: Katja.Fedrowitz@slu.se