24 Oct

Crafoordsalen, Navet, Sundsvägen 14, Alnarp

Docent lectures at LTV 2022

associate professorship lectures |

Docent lectures at the Faculty of Landscape Architecture, Horticulture and Crop Production science.


09.00 Insect diversity in green-infrastructure – and how to support it

The lecture is given by fil.dr Christine Haaland, Department of landscape architecture, planning and management.

11.00 Pre-breeding of cereals, and why it is necessary for sustainable food production

The lecture is given by fil.dr. Therese Bengtsson, Department of Plant Breeding.

13.30 Ammoniakemission i grisstallar – problem och åtgärder

The lecture is given by agr.dr. Knut-Håkan Jeppsson, Department of Biosystems and Technology.


Time: 2022-10-24 09:00 - 15:00
City: Alnarp
Location: Crafoordsalen, Navet, Sundsvägen 14
Organiser: LTV-fakulteten
Additional info:

Zoomwebinar registration link:
For password, contact DN-LTV@slu.se.

The lecture will be given in the same language as the title. The lecture session is 60 minutes.

Click on the title of the lecture for a popular science summary.