City: Zoom
Welcome to the webinar "The camel is the animal - Milk production meeting the challenges of the Sustainable Development Goals". The webinar is hosted by SLU and SVA.
In connection with Dinah Seligsohn's PhD-dissertation “Pure white gold - Subclinical mastitis in dairy camels in Kenya with a special focus on Streptococcus agalactiae” taking place 15 June at 13.00 CEST, we invite you to a webinar with world leading camel- and dairy scientist: The camel is the animal - milk production meeting the challenges of the sustainable development goals.
The speakers will discuss the unique properties of the camel as a milk producer, as an opportunity for food production in harsh climate conditions and for contributing to food security and poverty reduction in line with the Agenda 2030.
Date and time: 15 June, 09.00-11.15 CEST online via zoom.
Welcome address and introduction. Prof. Jane Morrell, SLU
Global aspects of camel keeping. Dr. Bernard Faye, Cirad, France
The camel milk chain in Kenya. Assoc. Prof. Joseph W Matofari, Egerton University, Kenya
Milk production in resource constrained settings. Assoc. Prof. Ylva Persson, SVA
Coffee break
The camel as a dairy animal, specificities, challenges. Dr. Judit Juhasz, Emirates Industries for Camel Milk and Products, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Caring for camels: Diet and disease - Lessons from Mpala. Dr. Dino Martins, Mpala research centre, Kenya
Final remarks