1 Dec


Worth knowing - Cutting edge: How to manage stream-side forests during harvest operations?

seminars, workshops |
Woman in the forest looking into camera.

Contemporary practises of riparian forest management in Sweden do not protect freshwater ecosystems from the negative effects of forestry.

Speaker is Lenka Kuglerová, Associate Senior Lecturer at the Department of Forest Ecology and Management, SLU.

Stream-side forests, called riparian forests, are extremely important because they help to maintain healthy aquatic ecosystems and are an essential habitat for many organisms. Their unique ecological, hydrological and biogeochemical functions have been recognized for decades and it is a common practise to retain those forests unharvested when production forest stands are managed.

Although some riparian forests protection is usually implemented in Swedish forestry operations, in this talk Lenka Kuglerová will show that the contemporary practises of riparian forest management in Sweden do not protect freshwater ecosystems from the negative effects of forestry. Together with this, she will present some options for riparian management innovations, which can help to protect water resources and biodiversity on a long-term.

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