16 Dec


Webinar: Open access to research data - research support, and handling and disclosure of personal data

Welcome to a webinar about open access to research data - research support, handling of personal data and disclosure of personal data.

The webinar will be held in Swedish. Please see the Swedish version of this page for more information.

Swedish National Data Service (SND)

Swedish National Data Service (SND) has a primary function to support the accessibility, preservation, and re-use of research data and related materials. SLU is one of the universities that forms the consortium that runs SND, and employees at SLU can publish data in SND's national data catalog.

Data Management Support (DMS)

SLU's participation in SND takes place through Data Management Support (DMS) at the SLU library. DMS supports researchers, students and environmental monitoring and assessment staff, with, among other things, handling, publishing and archiving data.



Time: 2021-12-16 13:00 - 15:00
City: Zoom
Organiser: SND

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