City: Uppsala
The Nordic network CAReNet strengthens clinical research through different activities. Today we welcome you to a small informal thematic meeting on kidney diseases held in Uppsala at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) January 21, 2020. The goal is to establish contact between researchers and clinicians interested in kidney related research.
CAReNet coordinator Malin Hagberg Gustavsson and kidney researcher Lena Pelander will moderate the meeting. We propose the programme below but modifications are most welcome. Perhaps you would like to make a short research presentation, or perhaps there is something particular you would like us to address? All suggestions are welcome.
CAReNet arranges the meeting and sponsors lunch, coffee and dinner. Participants pay for their own transport and accommodation. We start at 10 am to make it possible to travel to Uppsala in the morning. The meeting will be held in English or in mixed Nordic depending on who joins the meeting.
Register by e-mail to carenet@slu.se. We look forward to seeing you!
Carenet, Clinical Animal Research Network, www.slu.se/carenet
carenet@slu.se, +46 18-67 14 38