28 Mar

Tammsalen, Dept of Ecology SLU , Ultuna

Ecology Tamm Seminar, SLU: Testing significance of principal components

seminars, workshops |

Principal component analysis is a standard multivariate technique that is commonly used for analysis of data from agricultural research.

 A multi-environment cultivar experiment will serve as an example. This experiment includes 10 genotypes of peanut observed in 15 environments. The conclusions from the analysis depend on how many principal components are retained in the model. A recently published method on how to determine the significance of the principal components, using parametric bootstrap methodology, will be presented.


Time: 2019-03-28 14:30
City: Ultuna
Location: Tammsalen, Dept of Ecology SLU
Additional info:


Lucia Tamburino

Department of Crop Production Ecology

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)


Dimitrije Markovic

Department of Crop Production Ecology

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)

