To meet with journalists

Last changed: 16 January 2025

The press contacts at the Division of Communication can prepare you for the meeting with journalists for the benefit of both parties.

When to contact media with a press release 

  • When a researcher/group of researchers makes a break-through or makes an unexpected discovery. 
  • Before the publishing of scientific articles or reports. 
  • Before the defence of a thesis, see Contact media before the defence of your thesis 
  • Press invitation before a conference/meeting of general interest
  • At important administrative changes 
  • At crises/accidents

A guideline to whether a press release should be sent or not, is if  the news are expected to lead to publicity. The press release should always be presented to the journalist so that he/she is likely to use it for further spreading. A "narrow" item can motivate a press release if it is important to readers/listeners/visitors in a certain group of interest.

In the meeting with media - if you as an employee are contacted

  • Find out who is calling, from which media and in what purpose.
  • Think through what you would like to say, perhaps ask for 10-15 minutes extra time, and then call back. 
  • If there is time, it is always better to be interviewed in person than by phone. 
  • Avoid difficult words and explain so that the journalist understands. 
  • Be sure to tell the journalist what title you have, which department you work at and that you are employed by SLU, the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. 
  • Always tell the truth, do not say anything that you can not answer for.
  • Ask if you can read and alter in your quotations, if needed, but you can never demand to edit the full text. However, most journalists are greatful to have wrong facts corrected. 
  • If you need more advice, please contact the press contacts, see the information below.