OriginPro Campus agreement
Who may use OriginPro
All SLU:s staff on an SLU Campus for work-related purposes.
(OriginPro is not licensed for use by students)
Who can fetch and install the program OriginPro
IT coordinators may fetch and install OriginPro on their department's computers. They can get license keys, media and information about installation from IT-Support.
Network installation
OriginPro requires access to the license server licens-origin.slu.se.
The program is configured with the name of the license server during installation.
Stand alone-installation
If OriginPro is installed on a laptop, the program will not be able to start if the computer is disconnected from SLU's network.
In cases where the user needs to use OriginPro on a laptop outside of SLU's network, a stand-alone installation must be performed. Installation packages for stand alone installations can be obtained from SLU IT-support.
OriginPro on a private computer for work-related use
OriginPro is not licensed for use on private computers under any circumstances.