Access to files from home

Last changed: 13 October 2022

Do you wish to work from home with the files you have stored in the SLU file servers?

If you are at home on privat computer you will not get that folder automatically mapped in your computer. You have to do it manually.

This description works in a computer with Windows 10.

  1. Double click on "Computer".
  2. Choose ”Connect to network” in the upper menu.

  3. In "Unit", choose a letter (normally it does not matter which one you choose).

    • In "Folder", type the path to the network folder you wish to get acces to, in this format:  \\[servername]\[folder]\[subfolder]. For instance: ”\\\home$\pelle” .
    • Activate the option "Reconnect at login" if you wish this to be done automatically in the future.
    • Click ”Finish”. Now you will either see a log on form or be connected to the specified folder directly.


