Miljödata MVM

Last changed: 22 May 2024
Water samples in the Geochemical laboratory in the MVM-building at SLU in Uppsala. Fotograf: Mark Harris

Miljödata MVM is a system for soil, water and environmental data from two of SLU’s missions as the national data host for lakes and waterways, and for agricultural land. Miljödata MVM is part of Sweden’s national environmental monitoring effort and is financed by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management.

Data is made available via a dedicated website, Miljödata MVM. It is linked from the respective data hosting institutions as well as from the main Environmental monitoring section of SLU’s web.

Data from national data hosts at SLU are searchable in the web application and selection is aided by various forms, filters and map based geographical limitations. Results are shown in table and map form. These can be downloaded in Excel or text format files, compressed, either directly or by order with an email notification.

As an alternative, Open APIs are available via the portal for downloading Open data. These include information about stations, observations, measured values and system values for all stored data.

Field data collected by the respective data host are uploaded via the portal using Excel files with a specified structure. These are staged with developed ETLs and subjected to automated quality control. It is first when the data host has approved an upload that it is imported to the Miljödata MVM database.

Screenshots and pictures

System components

  • Database.
  • Web application.
  • APIs (REST and SOAP with data in XML and JSON formats).
  • ETLs (SQL Server Integration Services).
  • Windows service for queued data requests.


  • Web application.
    • .NET – ASP.NET MVC.
    • Open Layers map services.
    • Map data  from Lantmäteriet’s WMS.
    • Google’s Visualization API for diagram functions.
    • W3C coding standards for XHTML and CSS.
  • Microsoft SQL Server for database.
  • Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) for ETLs.
  • .NET for Windows service.
  • Python and NumPy for transport calculations.

System owner

System owners are the national data hosts at SLU who use the system for their reporting and data delivery:

Department of Soil and Environment, Katarina Kyllmar

Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment, Lars Sonesten

About development and maintenance

Miljödata MVM has been developed by the Software Development unit and has been in production since 2011.

A maintenance team including developers and client side representatives continue to work with further development, adaptations and life cycle management so that Miljödata MVM continues to meet the clients’ business needs. Miljödata MVM is part of the maintenance object FO MVM led by Malin Ahlström.

The system has a test environment for developers and the client side which uses a process for nightly automated builds and tests via a build server.

Today there are weekly meetings for the maintenance team, with continuous development and releases as required. Other regular maintenance tasks are performed according to schedule.


Miljödata MVM implements the high demands that the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency requires of its data hosts commissioned at SLU. It is contributing to the national environmental effort. The system also strives towards the common goal that all data that is collected through public funding should be made publically available, should come to use, and should indeed be useful.


Visit our Contact page to find contact information for the Software Development and Maintenance unit.