
Last changed: 28 June 2024

With the help of your mail program you can find out what send lists there are.

Information about mail lists for organisations

Now there are mail-lists, created by Idis, available in the Exchange global address list.

They are lists for whole faculties, the SLU library and UDS plus for academic and administrative departments. The lists contain all employees and those affiliated that are searchable on the web.  The lists are automatically updated when someone starts or leaves.

To find a list, open the global address list in your Outlook. Start writhing Org and you will jump to the new lists. The names are constructed by organisational name plus economical reference, i.e.

Org-NJ -Fakulteten för naturresurser och jordbruksvetenskap-12


Org-Institutionen för skogens ekologi och skötsel-241

For organisations that already have their own mailing lists and want to continue this, one solution is to replace the previously manually maintained contents with a reference to the Idis-generated list. Thereby this list is also kept up to date automatically.



Ordering you own send lists

Send lists are handled in two different ways at the university.

If it’s a list with mainly university members, it’s handled within the ordinary mailing system via mailing lists that you manage yourself in your Outlook program.

If it is lists with mainly external receivers, a tool called LISTSERV is used. Administration and ordering can be found here:

Contact IT-Stöd if you want to order a send list, either by sending an e-mail to IT-support or by calling 018 - 67 6600.

What we need to know about your send list when ordering:

  • Name of the list (what is shown before the e-mail address), i.e. "Biobränsle <>"
  • E-mail address. Depending on the format of the address, a department prefix might be needed.
  • Should anybody be able to send to the list, or should it be considered restricted and only accessible for employees/students?
  • It is possible to restrict access to the list. If so, state what persons/groups that should have access.
  • Who will be list owner(s) and be able to edit the list?
  • Who should receive mail directs – the list owner or the sender? The latter is default.
  • Should the list be visible in the "Global Address List" (the address book)?

If you use Outlook you’ll also find send lists – both your own and common - via "Tools" - "Address book".

List owners can modify their list. Do like this:

  • Open the address book and type the name of your list in the search field.
  • Right-click and choose properties for the list. If the list is done today, you will find it in "All groups".
  • Under members you can see who the list contains. It’s important that you as list owner verifies that we have added the right members. It might happen that we linked a name to the wrong AD-account. Double click on a member to get more information.
  • If you want to add or remove members, click on "Change members" and do your changes to the list there. If you want to add a person that is not in the address book (i.e. an external person) – send a mail to with the name and e-mail address to the person plus affected list.
