Editing subtitles

Last changed: 15 February 2024

Below is a manual on how to edit subtitles for a video on SLU Play.

1) Enter play.slu.se in your browser to open SLU's play portal.

2) Click the Login box, then Login in the drop-down menu.SLU Play Log In

3) Log in with your AD account.SLU Play AD

4) Login is replaced with your name and the Add New button is displayed.

5) If you click on your name, the drop-down menu with My Media, My Playlists, My Channels, My History, and Logout will appear.

SLU Play Menu

6) Click on My Media to find the video for which you want to edit the subtitles.

SLU Play Actions

7) Click on Action and Edit. SLU Play Captions

8) Click on Captions. There you will find the existing subtitles. Under Actions, you can:

  1. Set the text file as Default.
  2. Edit the information displayed under Language, Label, and Accuracy.
  3. Delete the subtitle file.
  4. Download the subtitle file.
  5. Hide the subtitles from the video player.

9) Click the Edit Captions button, to open the Closed Captions Editor.SLU Play Captions

  1. If the video has several subtitle files, choose which of the files you want to edit.
  2. If you have the same error in several places, you can search for the error and replace it with Replace.
  3. Time code where the text line starts.
  4. Time code where the text line ends.
  5. Subtitle text box.
  6. Video player with a Preview of the subtitle.

10) To edit the subtitle, click in the text box where the text is incorrect and add a corrected text line.

11) If the text lines are not synchronised with the speech, then change the time code for start and end.

12) To make the changes, press Save.