Installation Axis Camera Station mobile app

Last changed: 05 January 2023

Installation guide for Axis Camera Station mobile app


  1. If you do not already have authorization for the Axis Camera Station system and intended cameras, contact:
  2. Download the Camera Station app. Available for Android or iPhoneCamera png
  3. To access cameras, you need to be connected to SLU's network

Connecting from home (ignore if you connect from SLU WiFi)

  1. If your mobile device is not on SLU WiFi, for example from home, connect to SLU's network via VPN using the Cisco AnyConnect mobile app. Available for Android or iPhone.
  2. To connect to the VPN, launch the AnyConnect app and select Add New VPN Connection
  3. Connect to
  4. Log in with your AD account

Settings (required only the first time you launch the app on a new device)

  1. Launch the Camera Station app
  2. Click ADD SYSTEM (You should NOT select SIGN IN)Guide
  3. followed by Add System ManuallyGuide
  4. Address:
  5. Mobile port: 55756 (usually pre-filled)
  6. Username: AD\username
  7. Password: your AD password (Note: when you change your AD password, you must manually update it in the app)
  8. Click Save

Manually update password

Every 6 months a password change is required for your AD account. As you change the password in AD, the password in the app does not match and you lose access to the cameras. You therefore need to manually update the password in the mobile app as follows:

  1. Click on system SURVEILLANCE2-1 at the top of the view
  2. Select ALL SYSTEMS
  3. Click ⓘ-icon on the right
  4. Then update the password manually and click SAVE