Election to the faculty board 2024 – NJ faculty

Last changed: 15 October 2024

Here you will find information about the election concerning NJ faculty. It will be supplemented as decisions are made.

Latest news

On 23 October at 10:00-12:00, there will be a hearing with the candidates nominated to the faculty board at the NJ-faculty. The hearing is held by zoom.
Hearing with the nominated candidates.

The nomination committee's proposal for a new faculty board 2025-2027, free nominations and candidate presentations

On 1 October, the faculty's nomination committee presented its proposal for a new board. The nomination committee's task has been to submit proposals to the ten ordinary members/deputies to be appointed to the faculty board at NJ for the period 2025 -2027. The nomination committee's proposal also includes proposals for the chair (dean) and vice chair (deputy dean) of the board.

Chair/dean: Research leader Noél Holmgren

Vice chair/deputy dean: Professor Pär Ingvarsson


Free nomination:

In the formulation of the proposal for a new faculty board, the nomination committee has strived to cover diversity, competence and interest in the areas for which the NJ faculty is responsible in a good way.

Furthermore, the nomination committee's task has been to take into account in the proposal for members and deputies to the faculty board, for example, the distribution of subjects, geographical aspects and gender equality aspects. Between the positions of dean and deputy dean, great emphasis was placed on achieving gender balance. Five were encouraged to nominate as dean, two of whom were women. 13 were encouraged to nominate as vice-dean, of which seven were women. Of these, all women declined.

Nomination period 2 - invitation to eligible voters

Nomination period 2: 1 - 8 october

The nomination committee invites to additional nominations (free nominations), which means that those who are entitled to vote have the opportunity to nominate additional candidates than those proposed by the nomination committee, either as chair (dean), vice chair (deputy dean) or as a member/deputy.

The proposer is responsible for ensuring that the nomination is complete. A presentation of the candidate must be attached, where nominees introduce themselves in Swedish and English (template for this is found in the appendix). A complete CV or list of publication must not be submitted. Freely nominated candidates may only be entered on the ballot paper if they have a PhD and have the scientific or artistic competence referred to in Chapter 2, § 6 of the Swedish Higher Education Act (1992:1434). Please note that previously nominated candidates who are not part of the nomination committee’s current proposal must be nominated again and fill in the template to be included on the ballot. The vice-chancellor must also approve any free nominations to the positions of chair and deputy chair of the faculty boards for them to be entered onto the ballot paper. The nomination committee notifies the vice-chancellor as appropriate.

The nominee must have been asked and accepted the nomination. This is confirmed by nominees filling in the candidate presentation themselves and cc:ed when the proposer sends in the nomination with the attached candidate presentation in Swedish and English to valberedning-NJ@slu.se no later than 8 October 2024.
Template for candidate presentation

All presentations will be published on the web no later than 11 October.

The election of the faculty board takes place via an electronic election system and will take place on 21-29 October 2024. The candidates will present themselves at a digital hearing on October 23 at 10:00-12:00.

More information about the election can be found on the web: Election to the faculty board 2024 – NJ faculty

Timeline for election

Timeline for election of the faculty board at NJ:

17 June- 9 September
Invitation to nominate candidates for the faculty board. Read how to nominate at the headline Invitation to nominate candidates above.

1 October
The election committee presents its proposal for a new faculty board. 

1-8 October
Invitation to nominate additional candidates. 

21-29 October
Election period.

Hearing 23 October
The candidates will present themselves at a digital hearing on 23 October at 10:00-12:00.

Nomination Committee

The faculty board decided 23 April to appoint the following members and personal substitutes (italicized) to the new nomination committee for the period 1 Maj 2024 to 30 April 2027:

  • Sara Bergek, Chair (Aquatic Resources) – Anna Schnürer (Molecular Sciences)
  • Anders Hafrén, Vice Chair (Plant Biology) – Marcos Lana (Plant Production Ecology)
  • Jesper Larsson (Urban and Rural Development) – Björn Lindahl (Soil and Environment)
  • Göran Hartman (Ecology) – Pernilla Tidåker (Energy and Technology)
  • Pia Nilsson (Economics) – Wenche Eide (SLU Swedish Species Information Centre)
  • Karin Hamnér (Soil and Environment) – Anna Berlin (Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology)
  • Willem Goedkoop (Aquatic Sciences and Assessment) – Lovisa Nilsson (Ecology)

Additionally, Sluss will appoint one member and one personal substitute.

On the faculties' joint election page, there is comprehensive information about the election to the faculty boards, the process, frequently asked questions and answers, and more.


Marie Forsberg
Faculty Secretary
Faculty of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences, SLU
marie.forsberg@slu.se, +46 18 671021