SLU news

Seminar about "Preparing students for the AI era: integrating fundamental AI tools and skills into academic education curricula."

Published: 20 June 2024

(In English) The ICA-Edu Executive Committee have planned a series of events for 2024 focusing on developing AI competence in higher life science education.

Two Webinars will lead up to a final one day Workshop Developing best teaching and learning practices for the professional use of AI in Life Science Higher Education to be held from 13.00 CET on 23 October to 13.00 CET on 24 October 2024 (prior to the start of the ICA Rectors and Deans Forum 2024).  This one day Workshop will be held at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb.  The full Workshop programme to follow.

The first Webinar will be held on Tuesday 25 June from 13.00 to 14.00 CET with the title Preparing students for the AI era: integrating fundamental AI tools and skills into academic education curricula.  There will be two presentations.  One from a recent graduate now employed and an employer looking at his expectations for AI competence in his workforce.   See the full details here: and register!!