
Changes in SLU Aqua's management

Published: 12 December 2024
Portrait of Sara and Per-Olof

As of January 1, 2025, Sara Bergek is temporary Head of Department alongside Per-Olof Larsson, who is now Deputy Head of Department at SLU Aqua. Sara and Per-Olof will share the responsibility for the department until a new head of department is in place. In January 2025, the process of recruiting a new head of department has also begun. We will publish ongoing information about this on this page.

Last update of the page: 2025-02-19.

Recruitment of a new head of department

The recruitment phase has started in January 2025 and the work of recruiting a new head of department will run during the spring of 2025. The plan is to have a new head of department in place at SLU Aqua by July 1 at the latest.

This is how the process will work

  • A nomination group will be appointed and led by Per-Olof Larsson.
  • More information about the process will follow.

This is what happens until a new head of department is appointed

  • From January 1, 2025, and until a new Head of Department is appointed, the department is led by Sara Bergek as temporary Head of Department and Per-Olof Larsson as Deputy Head of Department at SLU Aqua. 
  • Sara Bergek is primarily esponsible for the work of SLU Aqua's management team, external relations, and communication with SLU’s leadership. She will also retain some tasks within the management of the Institute of Freshwater Research, as well as other research assignments.
  • Per-Olof Larsson is primarily responsible for HR, finance/contracts, and infrastructure.
  • The plan is to have a new Head of Department in place by July 1, 2025, at the latest.

Changes at the Institute of Freshwater Research

  • Helena Strömberg will become temporary Head of Division until April 1.
  • Johan Östergren will take on the role of Deputy Head of Division until April 1. From April 1, Johan will take over the role as temporary Head of Division.
  • From April 1, Magnus Dahlberg will be Deputy Head of Division.

Head of Department matters

All departmental matters should now be sent to the head of department mailbox:

More information to come

We will provide regular updates about the recruitment process for a new Head of Department and how it will proceed and other changes in our organization. Updates will be shared on this page and during division meetings.


Do you have any questions? Feel free to contact Sara, Per-Olof, or your division manager.


Sara Bergek, temporary Head of Department
Department of Aquatic Resources, SLU, +46 10 478 41 14

Per-Olof Larsson, Deputy Head of Department
Department of Aquatic Resources, SLU, +46 10 478 42 57