SLU news

Time for the 2024 staff survey

Published: 18 January 2024

The new staff survey will run from 22 January until 2 February and your answers will contribute to improving the work environment and overall staff satisfaction at SLU

Our work environment is all around us and is critical to our performance and workplace satisfaction. What access to professional development do you have? Does your work leave you with enough time to recuperate? Your participation in the staff survey will provide a vital contribution to making a difference in your workplace.

Anna-Karin Olofsdotter, Director of Human Resources explains, ‘The staff survey is part of SLU’s systematic work environment management and provides an essential basis for the continual and long-term measures being taken to ensure that the university is a good place to work. And the more that respond, the more useful the results will be. This year, we are hoping to see a response rate of at least 80 per cent.’

About the survey

The survey is divided into four main areas: work climate, leadership, organisation and targets, and strategy. It contains roughly the same questions as previous surveys, enabling us to follow the results over time and determine whether the improvement measures taken have had an effect.

You will receive an email from containing the survey that will take 20 minutes to answer.

The results

A comprehensive report of the results will be published on the staff web towards the end of February. Managers will then be responsible for presenting the results to their organisation, working on them together with their staff and identifying areas in need of improvement.

More information

You can read more about the survey on the staff web, where you can also find out about anonymity, who is eligible to participate and access the results from previous years.


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