SLU news

News from faculty board March 29–30

Published: 11 April 2023

VH's faculty committee held its meeting in Skara at the end of March. Here it is visiting Götala, photo. The faculty board visits Götala. Here, Jonas Dahl talks about the business. Photo: Bettina Bäck.

The meeting was held in Skara and combined with a visit to the Götala beef and lamb research centre and the veterinary museum in Skara.

Götala conducts applied research with cattle and sheep. The research may involve breeding models where feeding, grazing, environmental aspects, production economy and meat quality are compared.

Read more about the research at Götala here 


The Faculty Board was positive about the suggestion for the new Master's programme Agronomy Animals. The board was also positive about the name of the programme as recommended by the programme board and programme director of studies.

The board supported the statement from the Programme Board for Education in Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science regarding proposals for changes in the educational offerings for the academic year 2024-2025. In particular, the committee wanted to emphasise the key role that the Master's Programme in Animal Care has in the future supply of skills for higher academic positions and postgraduate education in the subject of animal care.


Project leader Anders Bjurstam informed about the latest in the integration process. Dean Rauni Niskanen and Anders Bjurstam gave a status update on the VH organisation and Johanna Penell and Anders Bjurstam informed about the latest in the Extension project.


Jens Häggström was appointed promoter and Ulf Emanuelson deputy promoter for the VH faculty at the doctoral ceremony on 7 October 2023.


There were many recruitment issues on the board.

Subject to the vice-chancellor's approval, the board decided to start these recruitments:

  • Professor of toxicology, specialising in food and water,
  • Professor of rehabilitation in animal care,
  • Professor of ruminant nutrition.

The Board decided to initiate these recruitments:

  • Senior lecturer in ruminant medicine,
  • Senior Lecturer in clinical chemistry.

The Board decided to discontinue the recruitment of a professor of veterinary anesthesiology.


The barn at Götala, photo. The amount of feed for Götala's animals can be precisely controlled with the help of an extra ID tag in the ear. It provides optimal conditions for research on feed. Photo: Bettina Bäck.


Kristina Jungnelius, Faculty Adminstrative Officer
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science, SLU, +4618-67 16 87, +4670-203 33 14