SLU news

GCUA 2030 course a success in Mexico

Published: 25 April 2023

In January this year, Priscila Flores-Aguilar, Autonomous University of Queretaro, Mexico, hosted a short version of the GCUA 2030 -course "Sustainability in a globalized world" for researchers at her university. The course became a huge success among the participants as they learned more about sustainable development and Agenda 2030.

How was it?

Since the course was for updating teachers, it was a bit intimidating for me to give it, but once I started I realised that there are so many people interested in these subjects and that encouraged me to give my best effort. 55 professors/doctors/researchers enrolled of which satisfactorily 42 passed the course.

How did you arrange it?

This course was arranged just like the one that was given earlier by GCUA 2030: "Sustainability in a Globalized World - Tools and Concepts". Since we only had 25 hours, some activities were summarised and national information focused on the current state of progress of Agenda 2030 in Mexico was added.

Do you think that the participants can use their new knowledge in their work/research?

I handed out a survey after the course and got very positive response. Many of the participants learned a lot from the course and will hopefully use it in their own teaching. 

"The course has opened to me very clearly the issues of sustainability at a local, regional, and international level. I hope I can apply this in my classes and research since it is very relevant." - Answer from the survey

"That vision of sustainability is often lost both in research projects and in the training of students. Therefore it is important that we are presented with these visions with foundations and tools to disseminate them." - Answer from the survey

How has GCUA2030 helped your university in sustainable development?

Personally, the GCUA 2030 helped me to consolidate my enjoyment and desire to promote and refine my efforts towards the specific progress of the objectives of Agenda 2030.

At the beginning, 3 years ago, I felt very alone in my project thinking that in my university Sustainable Development was not given importance, but thanks to the collaboration we have with GCUA 2030, the material that is permanently available for me to review, and the availability of SLU professors, I was able to teach this course at my university. In that way I met  colleagues, professors, doctors, and researchers from other faculties within the University who are also interested in these sustainable topics and already working in them. Many of them have suggested starting collaborations for projects in a multidisciplinarity way and we already hear a lot more about Agenda 2030 among colleagues and their projects.

It is worth mentioning that the sustainability department asked me to teach the same course again at the end of the current semester (June) because many other professors heard good comments and wanted to take it. Thank you so much!

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