SLU is involved in several research projects which are strengthening women´s independence in society. Here below are some examples of SLU's research, with a focus on low- and middle-income countries, in helping achieve the Sustainable Development Goal number 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.
Projects within AgriFoSe2030 are contributing to improve peoples lives and livelihoods. One project, Transformation of pastoral livelihoods in Kenya, strengthens smallholder farmers so that poor smallholders can have stable access to and consume safe and nutritious food. The projects has got national attention in Kenya due to its successful results.
Judith Irene Nagasha is a Lecturer of Development Studies at Kyambogo University, Uganda. She has more than 10 years of teaching experience and community outreach in Uganda. Her areas of specialisation and interest are food security, climate change, and natural resource management viewed from a gender perspective.
This project explored how and why women, men and youth engage as entrepreneurs in UPA, which gendered and generational opportunities and challenges they face and how this influences their empowerment - in Kigali, Rwanda.
This research probes the link between gender and social inequalities, conflict, and how they affect sustainable and resilient climate development pathways.
Through various collaborations involving nomadic cattle herders, small-cacao farmers, and young forest entrepreneurs and activists and researchers in different countries in Africa the Department of Forest Economics at SLU assists in combating climate change and infrastructural infringement facing millions of Africans.
Education within gender dimension
If you are interesting to increase your knowledge within the gender dimension - you can look at some examples of the gender related courses which SLU provides:
Rurality Livelihood and Gender
Gender competence for the forestry sector