
Open for the Climate

Published: 20 February 2023

In June 2022, SLU, as one of nine higher education institutions in Sweden, was asked by the government to develop open online courses concerning climate change. Uppsala University was appointed by the government to coordinate the assignment, named Open for the Climate.

SLU has contributed with the MOOC (see explanation below) Animal welfare and sustainability, given by the Department of Animal Environment and Health.

Courses within Open for the Climate from all of the participating universities are to be found on this website.

In addition to SLU's course mentioned above, there are courses in circular economy, battery technology, raw materials, community planning and much more. The courses require no special prior knowledge, and they are free of charge.

Interested in making a MOOC?

The project Open for the Climate has applied for additional funding from the government. Provided that the project receives additional funds, there will be an opportunity for teachers and researchers who wish to make a mooc or other online courses to submit a preliminary proposal for an additional course with focus on climate change. If you are interested in making a preliminary proposal, please contact Berçem Johannesson at the Division of Planning.

What support is available?

The Division of Learning, Media and Digitalisation, provides support in project planning, film recordings, pedagogical structure and technical framework for making online courses.

The abbreviation MOOC for a course stands for:

  • Massive: The course has an unlimited number of places.
  • Open: Anyone can take the course, and there is no application process.
  • Online: The course is offered over the internet.
  • Course: The offer is a course of varying scope (10-15 hours).

Participating higher education institutions in the project Open for the Climate:

Uppsala University

Lund University

Umeå University

Linköping University

KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Luleå University of Technology

Mälardalen University

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Chalmers University of Technology

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