
New version of the IA-app

Published: 27 November 2023
New IA-app

A new version of the IA app is now available to SLU staff and students. The app is available for iOS and Android and works in both Swedish and English. You can download the app free of charge from Google Play or the App Store.

The app is an easy way to report any work environment problems such as accidents, incidents and environment or safety incidents. The app is an excellent alternative for reporting work environment problems when you do not have access to a computer. This could be when a student or member of staff is working outdoors, on business travel or not working in an office environment.

Managers can also use the app to perform health and safety inspections and risk analyses. 

Please note that if you as a manager have created a health and safety inspection in the old app, it needs to be marked clear/ended.


  1. Download the new IA app from Google Play or the App Store. Search for IA – Divergences in OH&S. Log in using the following details:
  • Username: SLUapp
  • Password: SLUapp2019
  1. Make sure to select the right unit from the drop-down menu.

  2. Delete the old app once you have installed the new version. The old IA app will be in operation until March 31, 2024, to enable a smooth transition.

  3. You can now submit reports.