
Research and staff exchange (S)

Published: 08 March 2022

The Faculty of Forest Sciences is partner in a new EU-financed research and innovation staff exchange.

This new EU-financed research and innovation staff exchange is potential funding for research visits to a number of universities in North and South America. Professor Lars Östlund at FEM is responsible for the program at SLU.

A very short description of the program – more details in the attached document:

  • SLU researchers who are doing research which connects to the program are eligible for a travel grant (including cost of travel and money for accommodation etc).
  • SLU researchers can go to the following universities/organisations:
  1. Instituto Sistemas Complejos de Ingeniería (ISCI), Chile
  2. US Forest Service (USDA), US
  3. Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación Y Enseñanza (CATIE), Costa Rica
  4. The Pennsylvania State University (PSU), USA
  5. Pontificia Universidad Católica De Chile (PUC), Chile
  6. University of Washington (UW), USA
  7. Universidad de São Paulo (USP), Brazil
  8. University Laval (Ulaval), Canada
  9. Universite du Quebec (UQAM), Canada
  10. Forest Bioengineering Solutions (FBS)


  • Relatively simple administration regarding such exchange: (letter of invitation and brief reports on your research visit)
  • If you are interested and before you contact Lars Östlund with questions – read the entire attached documents!


Hope many of you take this chance now that we hopefully are out of the pandemia. Great chance to establish and develop now research collaboration!


Lars Östlund, Professor
Department of Forest Ecology and Management, Department of Forest Ecology and Management, joint staff, +46907868442, +46705111299