
News from VH Faculty Board 14 December

Published: 12 December 2022

There were several recruitment issues on the agenda at the 14 December meeting. Other items covered financial information and status reports on the expansion project and the UDS-VH integration project.


Pending approval by the vice-chancellor, the board decided to launch the following recruitments:

  • a professor of veterinary immunology
  • a professor of applied ethology
  • a professor of veterinary bacteriology
  • a professor of veterinary public health science specialising in food safety.

The board also decided to launch the following recruitments:

  • a senior lecturer in equine medicine
  • a senior lecturer in veterinary pathology
  • an associate senior lecturer in veterinary nursing in anesthesiology and intensive care.

The board decided to abort the following recruitments:

  • a professor of veterinary pathology
  • a senior lecturer in the anatomy and histology of domestic animals.

New professor at the VH Faculty

On 14 December, the vice-chancellor decided to promote Nils Fall, Department of Clinical Sciences, to professor of clinical veterinary epidemiology. 


Kristina Jungnelius, Faculty Adminstrative Officer
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science, SLU, +4618-67 16 87, +4670-203 33 14