Kristina Jungnelius, Faculty Adminstrative Officer
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science, SLU, +4618-67 16 87, +4670-203 33 14
There were several recruitment issues on the agenda at the 14 December meeting. Other items covered financial information and status reports on the expansion project and the UDS-VH integration project.
Pending approval by the vice-chancellor, the board decided to launch the following recruitments:
The board also decided to launch the following recruitments:
The board decided to abort the following recruitments:
New professor at the VH Faculty
On 14 December, the vice-chancellor decided to promote Nils Fall, Department of Clinical Sciences, to professor of clinical veterinary epidemiology.
Kristina Jungnelius, Faculty Adminstrative Officer
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science, SLU, +4618-67 16 87, +4670-203 33 14