
Regarding room booking for teaching

Published: 21 December 2022

Due to the recently sent information from Lokalbokningen about room booking for teaching period 4, with deadline 15 January, 2023 we want to announce as follow.

As many course leaders have experienced, the situation for available education rooms and halls is currently strained at SLU in Alnarp. The existing room structure is not optimal in terms of size, functions and new pedagogy (e.g. increased need for computer rooms). Two educational programmes have also been added in recent years (the master's programme Food & Landscape and the bachelor's programme Forest & Landscape).

We have also returned from a long period of education on zoom to a more campus-based teaching where the shortcomings have become more apparent.

No major changes to be expected at the moment

Though, we will not see major changes in the premises supply until the scheduled reconstruction/relocation in Alnarp is finished, which is expected to start in 2024 and be completed in 2027. Work with analyses and surveys regarding the needs for education halls is ongoing as part of the preliminary studies. Until then, we need to use the available rooms and halls for teaching in the best way. I therefore urge all course leaders and teachers to:

  • Follow the current guidelines regarding the arrangement of teaching sessions in order for us to get the best possible use of the premises. Book 2-hour sessions 8-10, 10-12, 13-15 or 15-17. 4-hour session 8-12 or 13-17. Booking for example 9-11 is not allowed.
    We must generally make better use of the entire working day from 8 am to 5 pm compared to today.
  • Use the positive experiences we gained through distance learning during the pandemic. Review again which activities, e.g. lectures, can be carried out on zoom and which activities require presence on campus.

Also note:

  • On this page, under the Alnarp tab, you can see which days and times that should not be scheduled. Note that Wednesday afternoons must be tuition-free, unless a dispensation for this has been granted (apply here).
  • Thesis Day falls on the afternoon of Friday 26 May, if possible add this to the course schedule so that as many people as possible can attend this event. (Directly in connection with Thesis Day, as in 2022, a closing ceremony will be arranged for the graduating classes, more info on this will come so

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Karl LövrieSenior Lecturer at the Department of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management, 040-41 54 39