
Scenario for SLU’s premises in Alnarp

Published: 07 November 2022

Four scenarios have been proposed as a basis for the decision to determine which properties SLU will continue to rent in Alnarp. The scenarios also address which departments and units will be located where. Once this decision is taken, architects will be able to begin drawing proposals for new or re-designed buildings. Process management for Alnarp campus development have chosen to pursue the following scenario.

SLU will continue to operate from Alnarp Castle and therefore hold on to a significant profile property while increasing accessibility to the castle. The proposed campus locations also create three clear “nodes” that will contribute to mobility and vitality in the area.

The workshop series looking at office, learning and lab environments that was conducted in the spring of 2022 is just one of the factors behind the decision to pursue scenario three. ​

Current situation:

Lokalisering campus Alnarp

The chosen scenario sees SLU leaving the following premises: Arkivet, Norra dubbelvillan, Silvicum and Västra dubbelvillan. ​

This means that:​

  • The Department of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management will be brought together by moving from Alnarp Castle to Alnarpsgården and Tornhuset.​
  • The Unit for Collaboration and Development will stay in Alnarp Castle.​
  • The LTV Faculty Office, support services, Education Centre and IT will be leaving Norra dubbelvillan and Tornhuset and moving to Alnarp Castle.​
  • The Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre, Department of People and Society, and archive will be moved to a new building. See the preliminary construction project schedule here (Swedish only).

The following will not be affected:​

  • The library, student housing and Division of Service, Security and Environment will remain in Alnarpsgården.​
  • The Cultivation Unit will likely move to RISE’s old premises.​
  • POM (part of the Department of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management) will remain in building 44.​

Chosen proposals (scenario 3):

Plan lokalisering Alnarp
