How the new budget proposal will affect us
The Government presented its 2023 budget proposal on Tuesday 8 November. The budget contains reforms totalling just over SEK 40 million. SLU’s direct government funding will be roughly the same as last year, with a slight addition to cover increases in costs and salaries.
The SLU Board convened on Tuesday when the budget proposal was also being presented. They were able to approve the allocation of direct government funding for 2023 using supporting documents and information about minor adjustments.
The Government’s budget proposal included cutting funding to environmental and nature initiatives. The Government has also proposed funding cuts of 20 per cent to environmental monitoring and assessment. SLU collaborates with many of the public authorities facing funding cuts, including the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management, the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency and SMHI. At present, it is not possible to say how these cutbacks will affect SLU. Dialogue with the abovementioned authorities is ongoing.
The budget vote will take place in the Riksdag in December, the same month that SLU is expected to receive its funding target agreement. This agreement defines the objectives, tasks and financial framework for the coming year.