Security Unit:
In order to increase the efficiency of an evacuation it is important to familiarise yourself with evacuation plans. Presently we advise that you do so more often than you normally would.
This is especially important if you move rooms and are unfamiliar with the building and perhaps lack local knowledge.
Further general advice is that, because a large number of brandsäkerhetsombud (fire safety agents (BSO)) are likely absent from the workplace, it is important that all present have some increased general attention on whether the evacuation alarm signal is sounding.
Paying attention to possible alarm signals is made easier if you are able to keep your office door as open as possible so you can hear the sounder. Additionally, in the current situation, everyone present should be mindful of the need to help and alert others. This is especially important where many persons are likely engaged in video meetings and thus may have reduced situational awareness.
Security Unit: