
The LTV nomination committee’s proposal for the election of a new faculty board

Published: 04 October 2021

The nomination committee has invited all LTV staff to nominate candidates, and has taken several factors into account (balance between subjects, gender, balance between continuity and renewal) when putting together the proposal that is now presented.

The nomination committee at the LTV faculty has the task to propose nine members/deputy members, including chair (dean) and vice chair (deputy dean) for the faculty board.

The nomination committee’s proposal

  • Chair and member, as well as dean: Christina Lunner Kolstrup, IMS
  • Vice chair and member, as well as deputy dean: Karl Lövrie, LAPF

Seven members/deputies:

  • Aakash Chawade, VF
  • Caroline Dahl, SoU/LAPF
  • Emma Butler1, SOL
  • Laura Grenville-Briggs Didymus, VSB
  • Mats Gyllin, IMS
  • Oleksiy Guzhva, BT
  • Åsa Lankinen2, VSB

1 due to conflict of interest, Andrew Butler has not been part in nomination committee’s discussions that led to suggesting Emma Butler as member/deputy.

2 Åsa Lankinen is also suggested as vice-dean for research education (appointed by the faculty board).

Free nominations

Everyone who has voting right is hereby invited to make free nominations, if you think that one or several other persons than those in the nomination committee’s proposal should be elected to the faculty board. Freely nominated candidates must hold a PhD/have the research or artistic competence referred to in Chapter 2, Section 6 of the Swedish Higher Education Act (1992:1434).

Free nominations can be made until 15 October 2021, email to, along with a filled-in nomination form (the form has been sent via email to everyone who has voting right) and a short personal presentation of the nominated person.

Electronic election

The election of faculty board members is performed in SLUs electronic election system during the period 25 October – 2 November 2021.

Digital hearing

All candidates, those on the nomination committee’s proposal as well as freely nominated persons, are given the opportunity to present themselves at a digital hearing, on 27 October at 15.00 – 17.00.