This happens at CBM 2020
Nothing is as it used to be this year, and so also at CBM. We were planning for a super year for the environment 2020 with, among other things, three conferences. With the corona pandemic, many plans have had to be overthrown and much is still uncertain. But our work for biodiversity continues, although in different forms! Here you can read about some of the events we are planning for, and to keep watch for in our different channels.
Conference of the Parties, Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)
This year, the global environmental work was to take a big leap forward, through for instance the CBD conferense of Parties, COP15. The conference will not be held this year. The COP 15 is expected to address a series of issues related to implementation of the Convention and its Protocols. CBD COP 15 will review the achievement and delivery of the CBD's Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020. It is also anticipated that the final decision on the post-2020 global biodiversity framework will be taken, together with decisions on related topics including capacity building and resource mobilization.
CBM is involved in the negotiation process through research leader Torbjörn Ebenhard, who is a part of the Swedish delegation.
The international conference "Measuring biodiversity: Transferring and implementing a multidimensional concept in policy", in cooperation with Uppsala University, is postponed to sprong 2021. More information will come on CBM and Uppsala University webpages.
CBD thematic workshop on sustainable use of biodiversity (where CBM director is nominated by Sweden and selected to participateas a representative for the region "Western Europe and other"), is postponed, and no new date is set.
The conference "Vi måste prata om genetisk mångfald: Hur, vad, och varför ska den övervakas?" (About assessment of biodiversity, held in Swedish), in cooperation with Uppsala University, is postponed, no new date is set.
The yearly conference Mångfaldeskonferensen, (held in Swedish), this year about the business sector and biodiversity, is usually held in October. No new date is set, and possibly the conference will be held online. Keep posted through our channels!
Read more about what happens at CBM in 2020 at the Swedish web page.