Strategy work is progressing according to plan and has not been significantly affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. The away day for heads of department (that instead turned into a ‘Zoom day’) in April resulted in a lot of very valuable input that faculty management will now use as a basis for further work. At the joint faculty board and heads of department meeting in June, we will start formulating our objectives.
30 March was the deadline for heads of subject to report on their SWOT analysis discussions. This then formed the basis for the ‘heads of department away day’ on 27–28 April, where the faculty objectives for the upcoming strategy period were discussed.
‘The meeting with heads of department gave rise to a lot of fruitful discussions, and that together with the SWOT analyses made by the heads of subject provides faculty management with a solid ground for their continued work’, says Denis Avdic, administrative officer at the faculty office.
Together with Denis Avdic, the faculty management will now continue this work and align the input from the heads of department meeting and the SWOT analyses with the SLU strategy. Starting on 4 May, this will be an intensive phase that will result in draft objectives to be presented at the joint faculty board and heads of department meeting on 10 June. The next step after that will be sending the proposal for intra-faculty consultation. We expect to have a draft strategy available in September.