SLU news

TILLSAMMANS - status report

Published: 06 April 2020

The TILLSAMMANS management group had its latest meeting on 13 March. This time, the Division of Communication will not update the display case information due to a lack of resources caused by the coronavirus. However, the website has been updated.

The following groups within the field of joint needs have new status updates:

  • Processes – the charting of processes at the small animal clinic has been concluded. The subproject will now enter the next phase.
  • Joint management functions – the Department of Clinical Sciences and the University Animal Hospital have agreed on a proposal which will now be formalised.
  • Number of patients for training purposes – charting is almost done.
  • Number of animal healthcare specialists – charting completed.
  • Premises – the original task is done shortly.
  • Benchmarking – questions for other universities have been established and will now be quality-assured.
  • Profit and loss account – the original task is complete and the working group has been given further responsibilities.
  • Other: various options for ensuring staffing and skills provision for diagnostic imaging operations are being discussed.

For details within the field of joint needs, go to: (only in Swedish).

The following groups within the field of production animals have new status updates:

  • The schedule for Joint objective – production animals has been somewhat delayed due to Covid-19. A workshop within the field of production animals together with businesses and other public authorities is scheduled for autumn 2020.
  • ·         Accreditation requirement – requirements connected to the number of patients (production animals, small animals and horses) have been clarified. Autopsy cases remain.

For details within the field of production animals, go to: (only in Swedish).

The following groups within the field of employment and skills have new status updates:

  • Strategic skills provision – the management group has made a decision regarding a working group for strategic skills provision. Plans and staffing are ongoing.

For details within the field of employment and skills, go to: (only in Swedish).