
Report from the education

Published: 09 April 2020

After a central government decision for all higher Swedish education, SLU announced on 16 March that all teaching will be changed to distance learning with online tools from 18 March. For Euroforester, this meant that the final days of the Policy course were held online using tools available in Canvas. The Policy course study trip to Lithuania and Latvia also had to be shortened due to Covid-19 related travel and meeting restrictions.

The Broadleaves course started on Wednesday 25 March as a full online course. The course leaders Magnus Löf and Jörg Brunet had busy days to adapt the course plan to online format including audio lectures, video clips and revised assignments. The students now find themselves in different time zone stretching from the Baltic countries to British Columbia in Canada, a difference of 10 hours. This restricts the possibility for online class meetings, but we have short weekly afternoon sessions on Zoom.

The southern Swedish field study course (Sverigeresan söder) for the forestry students from Umeå had to be cancelled this spring. The students will join next year´s students on the Sverigeresan 2021. It is still too early to decide if the field week for the summer course in Forest regeneration can be held, but also here we prepare for an alternative solution.

We hope that the Euroforester courses and the start of the new joint SLU/LNU Master programme Skogsbruk med många mål next autumn again can start in regular mode! However, planning for alternative online solutions is under way for these courses as well.

We wish you all good Easter Holidays!
Take care,
The teacher team in Alnarp

